
Image of exterior of Foursquare Distillery in Barbados, blue skies, flowers, palm fronds and green grass
Image of many barrels of rum ageing in large warehouse at Foursquare Distillery In Barbados

Restoration & Preservation

In 1996 when they needed to expand their rum operations, the Seale family restored the existing 1737 “Distill House” and Sugar Factory in St. Philip, Barbados rather than build new. Foursquare Distillery is now a designated national heritage site & folk museum, in addition to the working rum operation, with the welcoming sign “We are an environmentally friendly facility, and proud of it!”

Image of person checking on fermentations at Foursquare Distillery in Barbados and sign describing how they capture CO2 created during fermentation for other uses on the island.

Thoughtful Production

Waste Management

Image of waste management at Foursquare Distillery and sign describing how this environmentally friendly process takes place
image of exterior of Foursquare Distillery in Barbados with sign that states "We are an environmentally friendly facility, and proud of it!"

Energy Conservation

100% solar energy production is possible at Foursquare from roofs-full of panels that came online in 2020, further reducing carbon footprint.

Heat is captured from water & steam in the distillation process and re-used to minimize energy consumption.

The barrels used for aging are most often “recycled” or second use like ex-bourbon, Madeira, Zinfandel, or Port casks instead of virgin wood. After making the long journey to Barbados, barrels stay on-island, forgoing any additional shipping to be used for as many more years as possible – imparting beautiful flavor. Once they are inert (“used up”) the barrels are chipped & re-used as fuel to re-char the inside of newly arrived barrels.

In the U.S. & beyond

Thoughtful Marketing

Image of artisan screen printing Real McCoy Rum Bandanas
Image of artisan sewing leather in Telluride Colorado

sustainably sourced

transparency and contributions

Biodegradable, Compostable Real McCoy Branded cup sitting in the grass